Automated Phone Surveys
Since 1978, Database Systems Corp. (DSC) has been developing software applications while providing computer related technology particularly for the telecommunications industry. Our products range from voice broadcasting and interactive voice response software plus phone systems and services.
DSC provides simple to complex phone survey applications using internally developed IVR software. Inbound telephone surveys can be processed using this application. Outbound phone surveys can likewise be initiated by sending phone survey calls to respondents.
To assist clients in the development of phone surveys, DSC provides a Phone Survey Generator. This program allows users to develop simple surveys in just minutes.
Our outbound IVR phone systems contact survey prospects and play an introductory message. The potential phone survey respondent is given several options to select from using an IVR prompting system. One of the options is to take this survey.
Others may include the option to leave a voice message or talk with one of your representatives. Finally the respondent is given an option to simply decline to participate in the phone survey.
Automated surveys can be programmed using our phone survey software to accept phone keypad responses or can simply record each question response for later transcription and analysis.
Contact DSC to learn more about our complete phone survey technology and outsourcing services.
Kent Communications, Inc. Phone Surveys
"From monthly newsletters to national promotions, no job is too big or too small for KCI. With our direct mail technology we can help make the most of your marketing dollars.
We offer OCR presorting and barcoding, high-speed inkjet addressing, labeling, inserting, tabbing, metering, stamping, personalized matching and even custom assembly services." - www.kentcommunications.com
DSC's phone anwering service helps Kent Communications, Inc. collect client information using IVR technology. Mailers sent by KCI to customers offer an option to call a unique 800 number to answer questions or to order products or services. This information is automatically collected and forwarded to KCI as calls are received.
Survey Real-Time Statistics
Database Systems Corp. provides customized, real-time monitoring as a part of our automated phone survey application. These displays are available as the phone campaign progressively calls your clients. Problem areas can be immediately recognized and actions taken during the progress of the survey.
This display demonstrates some of the application features developed for our Yellow Pages client. Each route is monitored as calls are made to residents within each assigned route. When the designated number of verified deliveries has been met, the calling campaign will immediately cease for homes within this specific route.
IVR Phone Survey Features
Our automated phone survey software and phone system can be highly customized to meet your organization's survey requirements. DSC provides an experienced professional staff that can design and program your surveys. If you wish to develop your own surveys, we provide the training and tools to accomplish this. Here are just a few of the features that make our phone survey software stand out from the rest.
- Randomized Questioning
- Unlimited Recorded Digit Responses
- Unlimited Recorded Voice Responses
- Unlimited Phone Interview Questions & Responses
- Unlimited Phone Menu Branching
- Customized Summary Reports
- Interview Question Time-out Feature
- Text To Speech Data Question Insertion
- Transfer Respondent To a Live Interviewer
Phone Survey Hosted Services
The following features are included with our phone survey programs:
- Your Own 800 Number
- Customized Survey Programming
- Simple To Complex Survey Routing
- Database Access and Update
- Unlimited Survey Questions
- Website and Server Data Access
- Text To Speech Converter
- Call Recording and Retrieval Service
- Professional Voice Prompts
- Outside Phone Transfer Upon Completion
- Online Reporting
- Much More....
Phone Survey Systems
DSC offers both an economical and full featured message broadcast phone system that is ideally suited for automated phone surveying. This phone system features our comprehensive IVR software that leads you step by step through the design and development of your call survey application.
This entry level phone system supports analog phone lines and is called the WIZARD system. This 4 line IVR phone system includes a simple setup tool or comes optionally with our IVR software development toolkit that lets you develop more complex phone surveys.
If your survey audience is large and your calling campaign requires additional phone lines, our PACER IVR phone system can be used in environments where hundreds to thousands of digital phone lines are available.
Call Us Today
Contact DSC to learn more about our IVR survey phone systems and services.