
Automated Phone Surveys
Database Systems Corp. (DSC) was incorporated in 1978 and has been a leading developer of computer software and phone systems.
Using this advanced technology, DSC provides call survey applications for a wide variety of industries and governments.
What are Automated Survey Calls?
"Automated survey calls collect information from individuals by phone without human interaction. These calls can be both inbound (caller initiated) or outbound (phone system initiated). Typically an IVR is used to prompt the caller with questions and responses are indicated by the respondent using telephone keypad responses (DTMF) or by speaking into the phone and having the response recorded for later analysis."
Inbound telephone surveys can be conducted by automatically answering calls and processing the survey.
Likewise, phone surveys can be conducted by calling individuals using voice broadcasting survey technology. Our advanced technology and phone systems can conduct call surveys. First an introductory message is played identifying your organization. The phone survey respondent can be given the option to take this survey, leave a voice message, hear additional information, talk with one of your representatives or simply decline to participate in the phone survey.
The telephone survey can accept touch phone response or can record each question response for later analysis.
Contact DSC to learn more about our complete call survey outsourcing services.
Phone Survey Video
Automated Phone Survey Advantages
There are many advantages of automated phone surveys. Studies have indicated that automated surveys are more accurate than surveys conducted using live operators. The following are just a few of these advantages:
- Less Costly Surveys - Surveys conducted using automatic survey technology are less expensive. No physical hand and headsets are required and once designed, a survey is conducted by a computerized phone system and no labor is required.
- More Timely Surveys - Because automated phone surveys are conducted by technology rather than humans, a larger sample group can be surveyed all at once. The number of simultaneous surveys is limited only by the phone resources, not by the number of surveyors.
- More Frequent Surveys - Due to less cost and faster turnaround, automated surveys can be conducted more frequently, providing the surveying organization more timely and up to date results.
- Consistent Questions - Automated surveys have recorded questions that are presented to each respondent is the same and consistent way.
- Eliminates Surveyor Bias - some surveys are unreliable if the surveyor asks questions in a biased or leading manner. Even the fact that a man or a woman asks the question can affect the bias of the response.
- Randomized Options - automatic surveys can present survey question options in a random order, ensuring that each possible response is presented in an unbiased order.
- Respondents Tend To Be More Honest - studies have shown that respondents are likely to answer questions more honestly if responding to a machine rather than a person.
Customer Profile - Johns Hopkins University
"The Johns Hopkins University was the first research university in the United States. Founded in 1876, it was an entirely new educational enterprise. Its aim was not only to advance students' knowledge, but also to advance human knowledge generally, through discovery and scholarship." - www.jhu.edu
Researchers at Johns Hopkins University utilize our automatic phone survey software and services to manage their phone interview surveys of student volunteers. Johns Hopkins is collecting behavioral information over an extended period of time for long term health care research.
Creating Automatic Phone Surveys
Automated surveys are easy to create and manage using DSC's call survey software. Scripts can be developed independent of the phone server, allowing developers to create and test phone surveys.
Final scripts are then uploaded to the DSC phone system and the IVR survey script is automatically created. To create simple phone surveys, DSC has created a Phone Survey Builder desktop program.
Call Survey Outsourcing Services
Our survey calling clients are provided the following features when using our phone survey outsourcing services:
- Your Own 800 Number
- Customized Survey Programming
- Simple To Complex Survey Routing
- Database Access and Update
- Unlimited Survey Questions
- Website and Server Data Access
- Text To Speech Converter
- Call Recording and Retrieval Service
- Professional Voice Prompts
- Outside Phone Transfer Upon Completion
- Online Reporting
- Much More....
Phone Survey Systems
Our expandable and affordable IVR System is ideally suited for automated phone surveying. This phone system features our comprehensive IVR software that leads you step by step through the design and development of your IVR survey application.
This entry level phone survey dialer supports analog phone lines and is called the WIZARD system. This 4 line IVR phone system includes a simple setup tool or comes optionally with our IVR Software development toolkit that lets you develop more complex phone surveys.
If your survey audience is large and your calling campaign requires additional phone lines, our PACER IVR phone system can be used in environments where hundreds to thousands of digital phone lines are available.
Survey Call Reports
An important feature of our automatic phone surveying services is the ability to generate real time reports and graphs.
Automated polling reports and feedback systems help you observe and control the performance of your phone surveys and outbound calling campaigns.
Voice broadcast graphs and charts of operational statistics let you measure the effectiveness of each survey calling campaign as it is running.
The statistical information contained in each of these reports can be downloaded into a spreadsheet format for individually customized reporting.
Call Us Today
Contact DSC to learn more about our IVR survey phone systems and services.